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Smoking triggers intro

Understand your personal smoking triggers, which can range from emotional states like stress and boredom to social situations or even handling a lighter, and learn how to manage them.

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Smoking triggers and how to manage them

  • Cravings usually last for a short time (5-10 minutes). They can be managed through changing behaviour or with stop smoking medication.
  • Triggers may be different for everyone. Understanding what your personal triggers are will help to avoid or manage them better.
  • Emotional – stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness. These can remind you about when you used to smoke. Try talking about your feelings to friends/family. Practice deep breathing or participate in some physical activity.
  • Triggers can be drinking alcohol or coffee, watching TV or talking on the telephone. Break the association by concentrating on an alternative activity. Keep busy, participate in exercise, change your routine.
  • When socialising, ask people not to smoke around you, avoid areas where others are smoking, seek support from family and friends.
  • Triggers may also include smelling cigarette smoke, feeling restless, handling cigarettes or a lighter. Keeping yourself busy, and distract yourself to manage them. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) can reduce the craving for nicotine

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