Asset Publisher

Coroner's Contact details

Details of the Senior Coroner for Northumberland, the Coroners office staff and personal assistant.

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Asset Publisher

All information concerning case referrals, queries, and any other business should now be sent to our email address:

This email address is monitored between 8am and 4pm (Monday to Friday) and we will respond as soon as possible.

HM Senior Coroner for Northumberland 

Mr Andrew Hetherington 

County Hall 
NE61 2EF 

Coroner's Personal Assistant

Jane Tait

Coroner's Admin Support

Ann Battensby 

Senior Coroner's Officer

Linda Dean 

   Coroner’s Officers 

  Maggie Banks 

Sarah Abrahams 

 Rebecca Moss

John Tierney

All new referrals should be made on our online portal.  

Any enquiries for Northumberland should be directed in the first instance to 01670 622 600 or via If there is no reply, or if your call is urgent, please phone the Coroner's personal assistant on 01670 623 131 who will be happy to assist you. 

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