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Apply for a parking dispensation

Apply for a parking dispensation

Learn how to obtain a parking dispensation for essential works, including criteria, terms, and exempt vehicles.

You need to apply 3 days in advance.

There is a non-refundable £25 administration fee.

You won't be able to park in contravention of a parking restriction without a dispensation.

You must meet set criteria to be granted a dispensation.

A dispensation allows parking so that works can be carried out. It may only be granted for parking on:

  • single or double yellow lines
  • resident permit parking bays
  • pay and display parking bays
  • time limited parking bays

It does not allow parking in:

  • bus stops
  • taxi ranks
  • school keep clears
  • disabled bays
  • where loading bans apply

Terms of use

  • dispensation approval is granted on receipt of payment made at least 2 days before the start date
  • the dispensation will contain the vehicle registration mark and must be displayed in the windscreen
  • a dispensation is non-transferable between vehicles and dates
  • the dispensation will state the street or location and the dates and times
  • the dispensation does not allow parking anywhere else it will not guarantee a parking space in time limited/residential parking places, for this you will need to apply for a suspension
  • the vehicle must not obstruct other road users or pedestrians and must not be parked on the verge or footway
  • materials or goods must not be loaded/unloaded on the footway/public highway if this would obstruct other vehicles or pedestrians
  • if the dispensation is placed in a different vehicle, is changed or altered in any way, it will be deemed invalid and a Penalty Charge Notice may be issued
  • the vehicle must be moved when requested by a police officer, Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) or council officer
  • if the vehicle is requested to be moved, we are not required to offer a refund, compensation or alternative parking place
  • where necessary, a dispensation may be withdrawn without notice by the council on instruction of a police officer, CEO or council officer
  • CEO's employed by the council may conduct inspections to establish the vehicle is being used for the purpose that the dispensation was issued. If this is not the case, a Penalty Charge Notice may be issued
  • dispensations will not be issued for locations where there is any possible danger to pedestrians or highway safety

When will a dispensation be granted?

A dispensation will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and for necessity. Generally, for:

  • glazing works
  • essential building/maintenance/repair works (where site proximity is essential)
  • removal vehicles

They are not intended to provide convenient parking, e.g. to park a van for easy access to tools.

Locations and periods

Dispensation location Maximum number of days
Single/Double yellow line 1 day
Resident permit bays/zone, pay and display and time limited parking bays 7 days

Extensions to the times listed above will require a new application to be submitted.

On most occasions, a dispensation can be planned well in advance, therefore, we require a minimum of 3 days notice.

In an emergency, an application will still need to be made, approved and paid for. This is anything that may cause harm or danger to people or property.

Vehicles exempt from dispensations

  • police, fire and ambulance vehicles whilst on duty
  • vehicles being used in connection with postal services
  • vehicles undertaking statutory duties requiring them to be parked at the location or being used for highway maintenance, waste collection or parking enforcement
  • vehicles in connection with statutory undertakers/utility services (gas, water, electric, telephony) which necessitates work on or immediately opposite to the highway and requires the vehicle at or near the work will be granted permission under the relevant legislation from Streetworks
  • hearse or chief mourner's vehicles at a funeral
  • bridal vehicle at a wedding

Apply for a dispensation


This should be done 72 hours before the start date of the dispensation (except for emergency works).

You must provide:

  • the location where you require the dispensation  
  • the restriction you would like to park on 
  • reason for dispensation request
  • vehicle registration
  • vehicle make 
  • start & end date (max 24 hours on a double or single yellow line)
  • business/Traders name
  • full name
  • mobile telephone number
  • email address
  • you agree to the terms and conditions that apply YES/NO 

The £25 administration fee must be paid before the dispensation is processed and 48 hours prior to the start date.

You will not be able to park in contravention of any parking restrictions unless your application has been approved.