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Emotional support intro

Organisations providing emotional support throughout the bereavement process. 

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It is a very difficult time following the death of a loved one. We hope that the information on this page can help support you through this. Below, we have compiled a list of helpful websites for emotional support. 

General support and advice

GOV.UK  For assistance in dealing with the death of your loved one and the necessary steps you are required to perform following this. 

CRUSE bereavement care  A website dedicated to helping everyone come to terms with a loss, regardless of age, race or belief. 

The Samaritans  If you need someone to talk to, the Samaritans will listen and give support. 

Age UK  A national organisation for older people. 

SSAFA Forces Help  A national charity to help serving and ex-service men, women and their families in need. 

The WAY Foundation  The foundation provides self-help and support for men and women widowed, up to the age of 50, and their children. 

The Citizens Advice Bureau  This service offers free, independent and confidential advice on resolving legal and money problems. 

The Loss Foundation  Provides free support and guidance for those bereaved by cancer.

Long-term illness

Macmillan  For information, advice or just someone who will listen. 

CancerLink  This service provides information, practical advice and emotional support to those affected by the illness. 

The Terrence Higgins Trust  The charity provides help and support for anyone with, or concerned about, AIDS or HIV infection. 

Loss of a child

Child Bereavement UK 

Support for families when a baby or child dies or is dying or if a child is facing bereavement. 

Child Death Helpline  A helpline for all those affected by the death of a child of any age. 

The Lullaby Trust  Support for families of a baby who has died suddenly. 

The Still-Birth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS)  The society offers support for bereaved parents and families when a baby dies at, or soon after, birth. 

Organ donation

HTA Human Tissue Authority  The authority license and inspect organisations that store and use human tissue for purposes such as research and patient treatment. 


Road traffic death

Road Peace  The UK’s national charity for road crash victims. It gives support to those bereaved or injured in a road crash. 

Suicide bereavement

Bereavement by suicide is a unique form of grief.

If you, or someone you know has been bereaved by suicide, Help is at Hand is a guide offering practical and emotional information and support. It includes stories, advice and sources of help to try and help people feel less alone. Please view the guide here.    

Further information is also available on the Support After Suicide website.


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