Bus stops and shelters
Bus stops and shelters
Report damage, suggest new bus stops, or request shelters for your area.
Reporting damage to a bus stop or shelter
In rural Northumberland, town or parish councils maintain bus shelters; contact the relevant clerk for any queries.
Reporting damage to bus stops
Report any damaged or dangerous bus stop, including those involved in accidents.
Requesting a new bus stop
If you wish to propose a new site for a bus stop,
Email: highwaysprogramme@northumberland.gov.uk
Requesting a new bus shelter
- members of the public wanting to request a bus shelter in their area should contact their parish or town council
- parish and town councils wanting to build a new shelter, or to move an existing shelter, should contact the project planning team before arranging any work
- the county council must agree the plans and grant permission before the Parish or Town Council can handle the request to build or move
- for parish and town councils requesting a new shelter
Email: highwaysprogramme@northumberland.gov.uk
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