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Alcohol support

Alcohol support

Manage your alcohol consumption and access help.

Help for alcohol misuse

Support for under 18's

Use the SORTED service online.
Telephone: 01670 536 400

Helpful information

Find out if your drinking is affecting your health:

Guidelines on alcohol consumption

Drinking above recommended levels can have a serious risk to your health. The following government guidelines are suggested to reduce risks. 


  • shouldn't drink more than 14 units per week, spread throughout the week
  • try to have a few alcohol-free days (see below for unit information)

Young people (Under 18)

Being alcohol free is the safest option.

Pregnant women, or those planning a pregnancy

  • avoid alcohol to minimise risks to the baby.
  • drinking in pregnancy can lead to long-term harm to the baby, the more you drink the greater the risk

The risk of harm to the baby is likely to be low if a woman has drunk only small amounts of alcohol before she knew she was pregnant or during pregnancy.

Unit amounts

Examples of unit amounts, measured by Alcohol by Volume (ABV) are:

Type of drink Number of alcohol units
one 25ml measure of spirits 1 unit
one 330ml alcopop (5% ABV) 1.5 units
one pint of regular beer, lager or cider 2 units
one pint of 'premium' or 'strong' beer, lager of cider 3 units
one large 250ml glass of wine (12% ABV) 3 units

More unit information on NHS Livewell pages.

Information for professionals

Access more information and e-learning modules on the NHS website.