Renew a blue badge intro

Replacing an expired badge and informing us of a change to your address or if the badge holder has died. 

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Renewing your blue badge

The quickest and easiest way to renew your badge is online

You can upload any supporting information at the same time. If you are unable to do this you should still renew your Blue Badge as supporting information can be sent later.

We won’t automatically send you a new badge when your current one expires.

You must complete a new form to renew your badge and provide all the information requested because: 

Changing your blue badge address

If you are moving within Northumberland:

If you are moving out of Northumberland:

  • Tell your new council about your new address
  • You can carry on using your badge until it expires.
  • Six weeks before the expiry date you need to apply for your badge from your new council. 

If the blue badge holder dies, what do I do with their badge?

Post the badge to:
The Blue Badge Team
Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF

We’ll cancel the badge and update our records without you needing to do anything else.

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