Council car park information for Corbridge.
Corbridge parking information
Charges apply from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday (including bank holidays).
In Corbridge Village car park, you can park for up to 72 hours (Monday to Sunday including bank holidays), after this time you must remove your vehicle for a period of 6 hours or more before returning.
Time limit applies to all types of parking bay.
Beware of scams
We have had reports that fraudulent QR codes are being placed on PayByPhone signage throughout the North East.
Find out more about this scam and using PayByPhone.
Parking location | Max stay | Parking disc required | Cost | Further Information |
Church Lane (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 minutes: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
Corbridge Village car park (map) | All day | No | Free | |
Front Street (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 minutes: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
Hill Street (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 minutes: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
Main Street (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 minutes: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
Princes Street (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 min: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
St Helens Street (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 minutes: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
Watling Street (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 minutes: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
Well Bank (map) | 3 hours | No | 30 minutes: free, 1 hour: £1, 2 hours: £1.30, 3 hours: £2 | You must display a valid ticket/or have a valid parking session for all stays |
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