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Parking enforcement vehicle (camera car)

Parking enforcement vehicle (camera car)

The council has an enforcement vehicle used to increase road safety outside of schools in Northumberland.

What else does the vehicle help with?

The vehicle can enforce rules on parking and stopping in bus stops or stands.

It also enforces 'school keep clear' restrictions across the county.

We regularly get complaints about safety concerns outside schools including:

  • speeding
  • the safety of children accessing school
  • inconsiderate parking

The presence of civil enforcement officers improves the behaviour of drivers.

This parking makes it difficult for buses to stop in the correct place. This stops the flow of traffic and endangers passengers getting on or off the bus.

Bus journey times can be made longer by this, interrupting the tight timetabled schedule. This leads to complaints from bus companies.

When can the enforcement vehicle not be used?

To enforce any other parking restrictions, such as single and double yellow lines.

How to identify the camera car

It displays the Northumberland County Council logo and 'Be a Smarter Parker' branding.

When does it record and monitor?

Enforcing school parking rules

The camera will be used to capture vehicles breaking 'school keep clear' parking regulations.

Enforcing bus stop parking rules

The camera will capture any vehicle parked or stopped in a bus stop.

The vehicle owner will be sent a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) by post.

Once you receive this, you will either need to follow the instructions on the PCN which explains the appeals process or pay the PCN.

Pay your PCN online

Raising awareness with children in schools

We're keen to work with schools to teach children about road safety.

We can give children and teachers the chance to see the enforcement vehicle and learn about enforcement.

Watch the Be a Smarter Parker video

Contact us to arrange a visit.