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Parking locations and charges

Parking locations and charges

Council-owned car parks with directions, prices and parking disc information.

Parking discs 

You will need to display a parking disc, set at the time you arrive, in our short stay parking places in: 

  • Alnwick
  • Berwick
  • Hexham
  • Morpeth
  • Ponteland

The long stay car parks don't require a disc.

Parking discs cost £1 each and you can get one from:

  • libraries
  • tourist information centres
  • customer information centres
  • local businesses: see the signage on display in the car parks which list all nearby disc stockists
  • disc dispensers are also available in some car parks
  • Parking discs issued with Blue Badges or from other local authorities can also be used.

Remember to check the signs when you park for time limits and other parking information. 

Northumberland car park information by location

Town centre parking maps

Parking studies

In Summer 2017, the county council hired consultants to study parking and develop future options.

Work was then undertaken to seek views and opinions of local councillors, town councils, and other stakeholders on the consultants' findings and recommendations. 

Action Plans