Recycling and reuse advice
Recycling and reuse advice
Advice on recycling, reducing waste, and reusing items with tips, donations, and community resources.
How to reduce waste
A list of ways to reduce waste:
- donate good quality clothes and furniture to charity
- find out where your nearest textile bank is
- find where your nearest bottle bank is
- reuse plastic carrier bags or buy a bag for life
- reduce single-use plastic
- visit Love Food Hate Waste to find out what to do with leftovers
- try home composting
- recycle oil at your local Household Waste Recovery Centre
- switch to reusable nappies
Reusable goods and furniture
The following organisations will collect your unwanted furniture and electrical goods:
- Salvation Army Harvestfield Furniture Project
- St Oswald's Hospice North East
- British Heart Foundation free furniture and electrical collection
- CORE Furniture
Unwanted bicycles
Community groups WATBIKE and Recyke y'bike accept donated bikes. They fix them up then sell them to raise project funds. Some are sent to Africa to support schools and community health programmes. Find your nearest WATBIKE collection point or email Contact Recyke y'bike to learn how to donate your bike.
Swap shops and recycling projects
Funding and grants for community projects
- accessing government grants for the voluntary and community sector
- The Big Lottery Fund
- applying for community grants from SUEZ trust
- the j4b community website for information on voluntary and community funding
- funding from FCC Community Action Fund - England
National waste and recycling events
Recycling at an event you're planning
Always think in advance about how the waste generated will be recycled and managed. If the event is large-scale contact us to see how we can help. Depending on the event scale, you could arrange a community litter pick afterwards.
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