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Safe school parking guidelines

Safe school parking guidelines

All children have the right to come to school safely.

Dangerous parking or driving near our schools increases a child's risk of being hurt.

Excess traffic outside schools is often caused by parents or carers.

Drivers must park safely. Unsafe parking endangers children's lives.

Park with care to make the school area safer for everyone.

Highway rules for safe parking

  • no stopping or parking on the SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR yellow zig zags
  • no stopping or parking on zig zags at any controlled crossing
  • no parking on single or double yellow lines
  • no double parking or blocking the road, which could prevent emergency vehicle access
  • no parking on corners or near junctions, make sure our children can see and be seen
  • do not block driveways or park on pavements
  • do not park on crossing points or dropped kerbs
  • do not stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off
  • do not enter a Pedestrian Walking and Cycling Only Zone also known as School Streets during the operational times
  • do not enter a Residents Only Parking Zone

Make sure you

  • always switch off your engine when parked
  • make sure your child gets out on the pavement side of the car
  • always stop for a school crossing patrol
  • park away from school gates to reduce congestion

Walk or cycle to school

Walking, cycling, or scooting to school benefits health and reduces traffic.

Alternatives for those who live too far

  • 'Park and Stride' walk part of the way to school by parking away from the school entrance and walking the last 10 minutes
  • try car sharing, consider sharing the school run if you must drive to school, then get together with other parents who need to go by car and take it in turns to drive
  • Walking Bus, organise a small group of parents to share the walk to school and take it in turns with other parents to do the school run

School safety reminders

The start and end of the school day can be busy, but safety around schools must come first.

Give yourself more time so you can park responsibly or walk whenever possible.

Northumberland County Council's Civil Enforcement Officers and Camera Car regularly patrol our schools, to ensure parents and carers think carefully about how to park at school drop off and pick-ups.

Anyone parking illegally could face a fine of up to £70.

A resource pack is available for safer school parking.

Request information pack

Email: with the subject as road safety resources.