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Challenge a parking fine

Challenge a parking fine

You may be able to challenge a parking fine (Penalty Charge Notice) if you think it is wrong.

If the PCN isn't paid and an appeal hasn't been made by the end of the period on the notice, we'll send a charge certificate confirming that the fee has increased by 50%. You can't appeal any further at this stage.

Informal representation

This is a challenge that is made any time up to receiving a 'notice to owner'

Challenge a parking fine online

Alternatively, complete the informal representation form (PDF)


Parking services
Northumberland County Council 
County Hall 
NE61 2EF

We will consider all the evidence and write to you with the outcome.

Your Penalty Charge Notice will be frozen once we receive your challenge.

If you challenged within 14 days and your challenge is rejected, we'll offer 14 more days to pay at the reduced rate.

If your informal representation is rejected and you want to challenge it further, you need to wait until you receive a 'notice to owner' and make a 'formal representation'.

A notice to owner will be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle. At this stage only the registered keeper can formally challenge the Penalty Charge Notice, unless they give us written permission to correspond with someone else.

Formal representation

A 'formal representation' form will be included with your Notice to Owner.

Challenge a parking fine online

Alternatively, complete the form (included in Notice to Owner'), quote your Penalty Charge Notice number on all evidence and:


Parking Services 
Northumberland County Council 
NE61 2EF

After making a formal representation

You will receive either a:

  • notice of acceptance, explaining that your PCN is cancelled
  • notice of rejection, explaining that you need to pay your PCN at the full rate or make an appeal to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal