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Family support

Family support

Access child benefits, free school meals, help with living costs, activities, Family Hubs, maternity grants, school holiday and school uniform support.

Child benefit

If you're responsible for a child who's under 16 or under 20 but still in education or training, you can claim child benefit.

Claim child benefit

Only one person in the household can claim but there's no limit to how many children you can claim for.


Tax-free childcare

Get up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each of your children. 

Claim tax-free childcare

30 hours free childcare

Eligible working families in Northumberland with 3 and 4 year old child(ren) can receive 30 hours of free childcare a week. Visit Childcare Choices for more information.

15 hours free childcare

Families in Northumberland who have 2 year old children and are on certain benefits can get 15 hours of free childcare a week. All families with children aged 3 and 4 can also access 15 hours of free childcare a week. Visit Childcare Choices for more information.

Claim back childcare costs

You may be able to claim back up to 85% of your childcare costs if you're eligible for Universal Credit, with up to £646 back each month for one child or £1,108 for 2 or more children. Find out more about claiming back childcare costs.

If you would like to make sure you're getting the right benefits for your family:

Telephone: 01670 620 015 (Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 5pm and Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm).

One-off Maternity Grant

A payment of £500 which you can claim towards the cost of having a child. 

Check if you're eligible

Support during pregnancy and early family life

Family Hubs currently provide a wide range of support for children aged 0 to 5 and their families. The Family Hubs will now be available to all young people extending the age range to 0 to 19 and to 25 for anyone with additional needs (SEND).

The Hubs are in the heart of your community, with midwives, health visitors, early years and mental health professionals, youth workers, and more. This includes relationship and parenting programmes, and financial advice, brought together in a friendly one-stop-shop.

Family Hubs also offer online and virtual services and sessions. Find out what's on at your local family hub.

Help to buy healthy food and milk

If you are more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

The England-wide scheme means those eligible will be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it to use in UK shops and supermarkets which accept Mastercard. The prepaid benefit will be added onto this card every 4 weeks.

Help with food

We can connect you to support in your area:

Telephone: 01670 620 015 (Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 5pm and Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm).

Free school meals

School aged children living in households with lower incomes may be eligible for free school meals which also brings additional funding to their schools. So even if your child receives an infant free school (reception to year 2) it's still worth applying. 

Apply for free school meals

School uniform help

Both schools and community organisations have a wide range of pre-loved uniform available.

Check with your local school office first. Otherwise get in touch and we can point you in the right direction. 

Telephone: 01670 620 015 (Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 5pm and Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm).

School holiday support

Northumberland Holiday Provision helps children and young people fill their holidays with fun and learning. Children can make friends, learn new skills, and create lasting memories.

It's mainly for those who receive free school meals and families who may need a bit of extra support.

The fully funded holiday activities mean children and young people will be able to fill their holidays with adventure as they make friends, learn new skills and create memories.

Northumberland Holiday Provision would love to see how you are spending your holidays, so follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at @NlandTogether and share your holiday using our hashtags #weareNland, #haf2024. Find out more, including how to book.

Leading Link manages the Northumberland Holiday Provision on behalf of Northumberland County Council.

Worried about the immediate welfare of an adult or child?

Telephone Onecall: 01670 536 400 
Email: (24 hour service, 365 days a year). 

If you have speech or hearing difficulties, you can use Relay UK to contact us by dialling 018001 01670 536400.