RADAR intro

Information on RADAR keys and how to order them.  

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What are RADAR keys and how to order

The Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation (R.A.D.A.R), alongside disability organisations, local authorities and others, established a national key scheme (NKS) for toilets for disabled people in 1981.   

The principle is if a local authority locks public toilets for disabled people, it can use a standard lock and make arrangements for disabled people to obtain a key.   

Having a RADAR key allows disabled people to open locked accessible toilets all over the UK.   

Disabled toilets are commonplace and certain premises (including restaurants) are required to have them by law, but often they are kept locked to ensure they can only be used by people who need them. This can become a problem if a member of staff is not on hand with the key when you need it.    

How to get a RADAR key 

The RADAR National Key Scheme (NKS) was designed to address this problem. You can order a RADAR key from a number of organisations and retailers, including the Disability Rights UK website and the Blue Badge Company.   

There will be a small charge for purchasing a key, which should include the cost of delivery. If you are registered as disabled, you should be able to buy one VAT-free. 

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