Funeral arrangement guide
Funeral arrangement guide
The process of arranging a loved one's funeral.
What to do
Before you can start making arrangements, you will need to register the death.
Check if the death needs to be reported to the coroner. This could affect the date when the funeral can be held.
Check for a will or other written instructions. They may contain the deceased's funeral wishes or special wishes for what should happen to their body.
Check if the deceased had an organ donor card or a request for their body to be given for medical research.
Find out if the deceased paid into a funeral plan.
If there is no will or instructions, the next of kin will decide what to do.
If you arrange the funeral you are responsible for paying the bill, so check where the money will come from and whether it will be enough first.
Most funeral directors will wait until probate has been granted or funds are released from the deceased person's bank account. Information on financial help with funeral costs if the deceased's funds don't fully cover this.
Know your rights under the law
The main legal requirements in England and Wales are:
- the death must be certified by a doctor or coroner
- the death is registered with a registrar of births, deaths and marriages
- the body should either be cremated or buried
- there is no legal requirement to have any kind of funeral ceremony at all
Documents you will need
The correct documentation will be given to you when the death is registered. In order to make the funeral arrangements, the funeral director will need:
- full name of the person who has died
- their full address
- their date of birth
- details of where and when they died
- confirmation of whether the person who has died had any implants fitted, e.g. a pacemaker
Things to remember
- you decide how any ceremony will be formed
- you don't have to use a funeral director
- you can choose a religious, non-religious or civil ceremony
- you don't have to use a clergyman unless you and your family want a religious service
- you can choose a service that reflects any religious beliefs or multi-cultural traditions
- you don't have to hold the ceremony in a licensed building, it could be held in your home
- you don't have to choose a service that takes place in a crematorium or place of worship - you could have a service in a town hall or even a social club - if you have permission
When can burials (otherwise known as interments) take place?
Monday to Friday between 9:30am and 3:15pm and Saturdays between 9:30am and 12pm.
Contact the cemetery office as soon as possible to arrange a burial.
Information that you'll need to provide
You will need to complete a notice of interment form and provide the registration certificate for the cremation or burial (or the coroner's order).
If the family already has the exclusive right of a burial in a grave, they should provide appropriate details.
If available, you should provide the grave deed to the local cemetery office.
Three working day's notice is required to allow sufficient time to prepare the grave.
Muslim burials
Prestwick Cemetery has a dedicated Muslim burial area. This has been developed with local Muslim community representatives, is orientated appropriately with Mecca and is only available for use by people of Muslim faith.
We offer a same day burial service Monday to Friday if contacted before 10am. For same day bookings, we will call back by 11am with a time.
If we are contacted after 10am, we will make a booking for the next working day.
Contact Northumberland County Council administration office, Hexham:
Telephone: 01670 624 418
Telephone: 01670 624 419
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