Skip hire for business
Skip hire for business
How to arrange skip hire for business needs and through SkipM8 for Northumberland County Council and NHS contractors.
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Skip M8- For Northumberland County Council and NHS use only
SkipM8 is the new skip ordering system. You can use this to hire skips for events for waste management purposes.
The aim of the new system is to streamline the skip hiring process, speeding up the process.
The software is accessible from anywhere you have internet access, ensuring effective skip logistic management from wherever you are working.
How to access
If you require access to the SkipM8 system, your line manager will give you a username and password.
Contact us
For help using the SkipM8 system contact:
Email Jake Pritchard from SkipM8 direct on:
SkipM8 important information
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